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NCKU Portal login :

  1. Login account: student number for students, staff ID number for staff, (default password) as shown below, a total of 8 codes (5678mmdd)
  2. Original students: the last four codes of the ID card + the four codes of the birthday month and day
  3. Foreign students or exchange students: 4 yards after student number + 4 yards of birthday month and day
  4. Faculty and staff: 4th code after ID card + 4th code of birthday month and day
  5. The faculty and staff have gone through the resignation process, please use the default password again to re-enable the account
  6. You can use "Forgot Password" to change your password if you are not logging in for the first time
  7. Please go to " Email” to leave a message, or call extension (06)2757575#61045 and we will serve you here.